Last night I had a weird dream. But first, a little context/backstory.
Since I was a kidlet, I’ve had a series of recurring dreams. Actually, several different series, but for now, I’m focusing on one. I’d often dream about tornadoes. Sometimes, I’d be chasing them. Other times, they’d chase me. Other times, I’m seeking shelter from them. There have been other variations that are difficult to describe. But the dreams seemed to have stopped in the late 2000s or early 2010s; I’m not sure exactly when. But recently they’ve started up again.
One thing about these dreams, I never really felt fear. Except for last night. I can still feel the fear I felt from last night’s dream. Although most details are blurry now, I do remember feeling fear, and actually feeling the building shake. That’s something else I’ve never felt in previous dreams.
Then the storm stopped. There were perhaps several minutes of other things happening, but I don’t recall what.
Then there was the man, riding a horse. And he was wearing a red spacesuit. He asked me, “Are you looking for me?” And he implied that I had been contacting him. During this, I had an in-dream memory of it happening before, but after waking, I don’t recall it ever happening before last night.
That’s another thing, which I began wondering about after waking up. Is false memories during dreams a thing? There have been a few times where I “remembered” something in a dream, but I’m sure it never happened. Perhaps I need to look that up.
Another thing: I have this recollection thinking that last night’s dream had some connection to another set of recurring dreams I had as a child, but ended around adulthood. But I never was able to comprehend these dreams anyway.
Maybe none of this makes sense, but I wanted to write this down somewhere. Maybe someday, I will understand.